Jumat, Oktober 16, 2009

The First Underground Stadium in the World

A surprise came from Qatar. Imagine, when the people in the world only knows sports stadium on the ground, then Qatar will soon have the luxury stadium that is under ground. This is the world's first stadium built in the basement. Not just a regular stadium, also the completeness of world-class facilities. one of them is the stadium is equipped with air conditioning, so the air here will feel cool even though the audience was packed.

Qatar seemed to spoil everything, not just spectators but also the players, the facilities provided for it really inconveniences the people who are in it. This is one step forward in the context of Qatar as a potential host the upcoming 2018 World Cup. Reportedly, the construction will begin early next year. This is a long and complicated journey. For information, this huge stadium was built in Qatar's capital underground, Doha.

What is the reason to build a stadium in Qatar with crazy ideas?

Turns out, when everyone was transfixed watching all the shows done at the stadium on the ground, and did not want to bother thinking about other creative ideas, Qatar wants to precede. This country wants to be listed as the first country to build a stadium in the basement. A big step and certainly will be recorded and remembered throughout the world.

Imagine, how complex the construction of sports stadium because of its position under the ground. Imagine also how much money is invested in the project. But all is not going to beat the pride of Qatar, which became the first country to have a sports stadium in the basement.

Maybe this is an opportunity for Qatar to apply to become a World Cup host. Unfortunately, the stadium seating capacity of only 11,000 people. Less so for large sporting events like the World Cup. So, no matter how this is one effort to draw attention to the great football event could be present in the country.

these are the pictures...

*) from above ground

*) Here are the plans

Source : http://www.theoffside.com

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